Frequently Asked Questions

Conveniently headquartered in Columbus Ohio we are able to provide outstanding and speedy service to Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky and Pennsylvania.
Apply a seal coat within six months to one year of installation of new asphalt. Check for cracks and have them filled annually. Any crack, which is ¼-inch or wider in the pavement, will allow moisture to penetrate to the subbase. The goal of a good pavement management plan (PMP) should be to keep the moisture from entering the asphalt pavement. Additionally, we recommend applying sealant every two- to-three years, depending on wear. This will help prevent deterioration of your pavement due to the sun’s rays, gasoline, traffic, and the weather elements.
Some causes include inadequate thickness of the pavement section to support the loads traveling across the asphalt, lack of maintenance, and weak or unstable subgrade components. Asphalt deteriorates when “fines” aggregates are worn away by weather and traffic. When the “fines” are worn away, there is nothing to bind the larger aggregates together and the surface begins to ravel. This weakens the pavement section and eventually allows water to penetrate the subgrade, which leads to pavement failure.
Yes, there are quite a few: Agricultural Oil Seal and Preservation Agent, Solar Reflective Coating, Permeable Pavers, Pervious Concrete, and Porous Asphalt to name a few. Please review our Green Paving Solutions for more information.
The sun heats up the binder cement, which depletes the holding characteristics of the chemical compounds in the dried liquid asphalt. This enables the stone to loosen up and fall away into curbsides, ditches, and storm drains.
Water penetrates the basin through gaps in the rings and erodes the stone subbase in the surrounding asphalt. Another cause may be that the stone base adjacent to the basin has settled and cannot support the surrounding asphalt.
Yes, proper crack repair procedures can double the life of most asphalt pavements. A surface, which is five to ten years old, will usually need a ton of sealant per lane mile and will last up to ten years.
When asphalt plants are open, the proper repair is as follows: saw cut around the failed area, remove the asphalt, inspect and re-compact the subbase, tack the perimeter walls, install new hot mix asphalt in two lifts compacting after each lift, and then crack seal around the patch to prevent water infiltration around the patch area.
Underlayment fabric serves as a waterproofing membrane between the existing surface and the new surface. It adds about one inch of proportionate asphalt strength to the overlay. It also aids in slowing the migration of cracks from the underlying surface to the new one. Ultimately, underlayment fabric significantly extends the life expectancy of a new asphalt surface.
Yes, the price of asphalt will always be affected by crude oil prices, which fluctuate when supplies vary. But, paving companies with multi-site, multi-regional projects have more buying power at asphalt plants, which means valuable savings for clients.
It depends on the job. For asphalt resurfacing, depending upon the temperature of the day, one should allow 2 to 6 hours before using the new lot. Sealcoating needs a 24-hour drying (curing) time after work is completed. Do not allow traffic on your lot before the end of the 24-hour drying period. For all other services, a set time frame should be suggested to you from your contractor.
Warm Mix Asphalt is an asphalt mix which uses an additive that allows the asphalt to be mixed and placed at temperatures ranging from 50 to 100 degrees below standard hot-mix temperatures (300 to 350 degrees). This mix design originally started in Europe and has been in production in the United States for approximately seven years. Recently, it has been gaining more attention because of some benefits it has over traditional hot-mix. Using Warm Mix Asphalt means lowers emissions, a reduction in fuel consumption, and the potential to use more RAP (reclaimed asphalt pavement) in the mix. Warm Mix Asphalt is not something that will replace the use of traditional Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) but in certain situations it can be a nice alternative.

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